Summer Camp

We believe that Summer Camp – at Camp Parsons, one of the oldest and best Scout Camps in the world – is a key part of the Scouting experience.  There is no better camp value on the planet. Each year our Troop subsidizes as much of this as our fund raising allows. Last year each family paid the out-of-pocket cost of $25 plus transportation, $20 to $30, for a week at camp. In other years, it has been more or less. On average, more than 80% of our boys go to camp each summer and many of our “Alumni” come back and serve as leaders for that week. In addition to the camp fees, $20-$30 in pocket money for the boy to spend on snacks, crafts, and other items is usually needed. (If the fund raising isn’t as successful – then the subsidy goes down).  Our Troop usually attends Camp Parsons in the second or third week of July.  Check the Calendar for the currently scheduled summer camp.  This is  a general equipment list  Camp Parsons General Equipment list.  The actual list is sent yearly in June so check that for additions or changes.

CAMP PARSONS Mt. Turner Campsite
Week Two: July 6th through July 12th, 2014
T-166 had another very successful week at Camp Parsons this summer, 2014.
Troop 166 has won “Best Troop” each year 2005-2014 and swept all three places in the patrol competition six times (2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2012 and 2014).
45 Troop members attended. The troop voted to award Staff Guides, Brett Jones and Ben Dietderich, honorary troop memberships and presented troop neckerchiefs to them at Friday’s Retreat ceremony held in our campsite.


Camp Parsons Honor Troop (Camp Parsons’ Highest Honor)

Hullabaloo Patrol Competition:

First Place—Piranha Patrol        604 points    (Piranha Patrol won the honor of lowering the flag at the camp closing ceremony.)

Second Place—Hellbender Patrol   580 points

Third Place—Orangutan Patrol      541 points

Bulldog Patrol  538 points   DaMoose Patrol  518 points

(Fifty-one patrols from twenty-three troops competed.  Only six patrols scored above 500 points in the patrol competition; Troop 166 had the top five of these patrols for a complete sweep of the event.  Next best score was 511 from the Spartan Patrol of Troop 282.)

Hullabaloo Relay Race: First Place   (The troop picked Nick Pickard and Sam Kirchner as favorite staff members to jump off the pier in full uniform to start the Octopus Cup Canoe Race. )

Octopus Cup Canoe Race:  Second Place

Hullabaloo Best Troop:  First Place

Special thanks and congratulations go to the Scout troop leaders for an awesomely great job:

Prahlad Ayengar and Bill Montgomery were adult leaders for the week with help from Ed Millman on Sunday advancement.

I give my congratulations to all Scouts for their team work in our successful week.  My thanks go to Prahlad Ayengar for the great job he does each year in organizing and sponsoring our week at camp.

Bill Montgomery, Scoutmaster


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